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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 24, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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nonsandy charities. are all the sandy charities getting all the moy this year? >> unfortunately wh disasters happen there is flood of moneyecause of a good heart of americans and it is appropriate that way, but en it happens right have to make choices where your charitable dollars to go there is tension and some charities that lose out that really need help. of course it is no easy choice for a donor. we recommend if at all possible that you don't forget those charities that are there for you all year-round. gerri: up 7.5% for the big charities. that is an amazing number. ken, thanks for coming on. it is gerri: that's it for tonight's willis report. thanks for joining us, i hope you and your families all have a fe and a very, very merry
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lou: there is the least three doubles and lawsuits, however, challenging obamacare, including the requirement that workplace health plans cover birth control. pennsylvania, the latest to announce it will not have the obamacare insurance exchange, becoming the 22nd state to set up the exchange, leaving it up to t federal government government to implement exchanges. the president's health care law was so unpopular when the president signed it ino law and it remains absolutely that two years later. apparently nancy pelosi was right about the obamacare program, at least when she uttered these now infamous words, calling for passage of e legislation. >> we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. away from the father of the
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controversy. lou: is getting rid of obamacare so one option for republicans? we will talk with legal analyst peter johnson on the way forward. also, the worsening political crisis in egypt. splitting egypt between those who want the islamic state, governed by sharia law, and those who oppose it. andrew boston this year. the professor and the author of the new book "sharia versus freedom." in the nation's credit rating is at risk. serious proposals to reduce the deficit and really end our national debt. potentially, a significant blow to the obamacare controversial o contraceptive mandate. the eighth circuit court of appeals in the preliminary injunction to stop the mandate for being enforced agast the missouri catholic businesswne owners.the li the list of statesst o now, refg to set up state-run health care exchanges for insurance.
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it is growing. arizona becomes the latest to telling federal government but it will have to assume the burden of operating the exchange and the cost and the supervision, perhaps even running backstage, bringing the total number of states refusing to set up an exchange under obamacare to 17 states. ten other states remainm undecided as to the course they will take or it will be state, the way, the 17 states havenow e republican governors.ppellate we are joined now by peter johnson. it's great to see you. >> thank you for having me, louu dobbs. lou: what is your reaction totie that injunction against the contraceptive mandate? >> it is a surprisingri, injunction. they lost below mr. pringle bryant and his company.y that a a christian-based company. they say that that is part ofoln their credo. the 10 commandments, the golden
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rule, delivering pleasing things to the lord. they say that we don't want to be forced to purchase pills that will kill babies. we are not going to do it. but the circuit court, the appeals court said we are going to hold up that ruling against it. in this particular case, the court says you are right that your religious exercisis something limited. you can still were shut and you say to that you are limited wit. rtgard to obamacare.ou now come the circuit court is saying nothing can happen until the appeal is theard. lou: as you say, well, -- it iss a short odds propositio to have
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got the injunction. how long are the odds to move to the supreme court? >> i think the odds are not good. o end, they are ensuring that the catholic organizationsc orga maintain their religious liberty. and that they are not forced to violate the religious preceptsyp in providing these types of pills. these types of procedures. lou: we have a number of pr lawsuits still pending. where we stand with obamacare? it seems as though the effort ti repeal it through the courts -- theeems as though it is -- >> there are a lot of robust effort. with a lot of christian organizations and it moves itswy way towards the system. at some point, the religiouseli, liberty issue will get the united states supreme court. not particularly in this case, the cases involving the roman catholic church.rch.
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we will have this decision eventually.tle lou: very quickly, has littl time left here.seventn >> okay. yes. lou: 17 states setting up these exchanges.o it's starting to look like a tremendous problem. >> it is a german this problem. i don't think it they will be able tmake their january 14, 2013, date. health care insurance premiums will be more expensive rather than less expensive. it usually means lower prices for consumers, but they're trying to do the opposite. lou: and has been a mess from the beginning. >> it absolutely has. it's only going to get worse. lou: thank you so much, peter johnson. the administration has endangered the life and liberty of americans, including thosezy
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killed in benghazi.aria by ignoring sharia law., ndrew joining me now is andrew boston. he's the author of the new book "sharia versusor freedom."shar the legacy of islamict to hav totalitarianism.ith it is great to have you with us. we appreciate it. let's start with the idea that w sharia law, a lot of people dismiss it as a cultural aspects of islamic life. it poses no threat to americans. what are your thoughts? >> sharia law is foundational in islamic society. mand but i it is also an entire political runsm, and here's where it afoul of modern human rights .ightsts unlike the bill of rights. includes a timeless war
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doctrine. als the doctrine of jihad. it also rejects basic humandom freedoms by freedom ofof conscience and freedom of speech, and it imposes discriminatory legal regulations against non-muslim minoritiesin and women. it also includes dehumanizing punishments like lashing for alcohol consumption, stoning tou death for adultery andn mutilating punishments as well. lou: is it your view that theren is no way in which american culture can accommodate sharia within a multicultural society? part of which would be the muslims? >> absolutelyut not. certainly not the overtth libery crushing dehumanizing aspects of sharia. unfortunately, it is an whle. integrated whole. it has proven historicallyp ver ve difficult for muslims tosherry,
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secularize it and to eliminatety the liberty crushing aspects the euro one you wrote that u.s.liby amba policymakers opposed by christopher stevens havelaw sacrificed u.s. lives, ourou as, nation is ignoring sharia lawy and practices. you assert that the islamic totalitarianism, you are saying that it has a tutorial at terry and winter.ave a sular >> we have those that we chosea, to undermine and replace. hosnib mubarak, even the odious qadhafi. yet what is their replacement?n the replacement from the get-goo we actually supported them of muslim brotherhood jihadist to have a supremacist outlook. and we are still, the late ambassador stevens unfortunateln chose to go intofo the jihadisti
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hotbed in libya, whichates back to our borders. they were fighting then. thank you so much for being witn us. lou: as the housing market really recovering? $17 trillion is riding on the answer. answer. thes ceo
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$82 bi lou: foreign buyers are helping to boost our housing msarket. those buyers accounted for billn $82 billion in home sales over the past year. 9 billion of those dollarschines coming from th chinese. t second only to those canadians, as the largest one homebuyers in presidenntry. the io and president ofao citimortgage, he is joining us the ov let's start with the overaller robustness come to power of thit recovery. is it too strong of a language to join these concepts?18 out o >> the housing is recovering on a sustained basis. eighteen out of 20 top cities are now showing growth.
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[inaudible] lou: what do you think? lo >> the general view is if you look at long-term trends fromne, 1968 onward, you know that there was a bubble in the 2006 and wei 2007 time.the general vi the general view is that it will take a while to get their. lou: so someone is looking at am profit and they might eagerlyrah jumper t at that rather than wat
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for a full gross? >> that is the general deal. the lou: we are looking at the trila housing market value arou 17 trillion from a little over , $10 trillion in debt.t how much do you expect to see w- the market actually grow? u.s. >> well, the market is shrinking. you know, the u.s. consumers have leverage of about 124% and now it is about 114%. terms that is one of the biggest headwinds. that is not a such a bad thing either. if you think about.
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lou: so you say that this is a market that is honorable? kn, >> i would say that this recovery is fragile. tchy. it depends -- it has also been very patchy., very it is going from a very low point in the economy, clouding some of this information. but i would think the fiscalmers cliff discussions are definitely not helping. coming consumers can see the implications of mortgage tax deductions. lou: what would happen if that would be implemented? th >> i think i would not recommen. lou: or not at this stage of theit recovery. lou: somehow i thought i would be your answer, as it would be for most homeowners who got used to that deduction. it is great to have you with us. the amaou. the fiscal cliff fiasco.
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the obama plan, to the speakersi boehner plan, it will either o alter the rising rate of spending were less than the science of our bloated government. the answer in tonight "chalk talk" is coming up so, this board gives me rates for progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive, and they're them. yes. but they're here. yes. are you...? there? yes. no. are you them? i'm me. but those rates are for... them. so them are here. yes! you want to run through it again? no, i'm good. you got it? yes. rates for us and them -- now that's progressive. call or click today.
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lou: you know, everybody's getting pretty excited about that fiscal cliff negotiation or impasse, however you want to3 style it. mayi want t showu, lou: everybody is getting re ofed about the fiscal clifft, negotiation. i thought i would show you what thuld happen if we change into the speaker boehner plan, the president obama plan, let's start out with the do-nothing plan because that's the plan we0 have right now. the cbo estimates fiscal year 2013 deficit will be, well,lionf
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$104 trillion for fiscal year al 2013.well, it's so we get up to 2014, it is going to be about $19.4 billion -- excuse me, trillion dollars.f $20.3 trillion. we do nothing. amat is if we do nothing aboutpb this runaway spending. responsible government. let's take a look at what1.6 happens. way
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$1.64 trillion in taxes. $82 billion per year from the top 2%. senates the n same amount of net tax hikes in the president's 2013 budget that the senate rejected unanimously. byl the tax hikes that he is requesting, the national debt by it'll instead of 25.8%, that's where you get cut down. it will amount toll $25.4 trillion.that's we will call at obama wins. a r
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the national media waiting forii that one. that is what will be. it will be a really dramaticis s scene. i want to show you exactly how changes. speaker boehner wants, oh, yeah? he is going to kick some tail. we are going to get to point you leally in dollars and the spending of this country.that'l let me rephrase that. total a $2.2 trillion reduction in thf total plan spending. we are looking at the republican
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plan. we will show you just how tough it is. the only difference is how we get there. mr. obama wants one thing and mr. boehner once another.see and we will see a knockdown drag out fight any big dramatic of negotiation. what you and i and all americans are looking at is the prospect of a recession next year if thed president and mr. boehner can't come to agreement. as much as a 10% unemploymenttyn rate, because both as president and republican parties parties, as you can seema here, they aret playing at the margin in thecust national media is not focusing washit the reality is. they are just playing games. right along with the folks in
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washington. this president is guilty of class warfare. for what? are you kidding me?ma. president obama seems to love rt the drama. i thought he didn't like drama. the reality is that there will be so little impact on our fiscal future. the after all of the drama and whateeer the outcome, we remaih in great jeopardy. because this isn't a fiscals. future. this is not something that any of us want. don't you love ? a lame-duck session of congress. they areon the ones who have to steer us away from the fiscal cliff. joining us tonight, governor jo jo mike [beep]
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lou: burst onto your reaction to the fact that the guy is supposed to be the smartest guy in the military. it turns out to be a mess.dd to the ot a good week for spies. it turns to be something out of mad magazine. when you add to general allen tr and the ever expanding scandal,e it is tragic..
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it is tragic for the families,lo it is tragic all of the peoplert who served with him. america..ic for lou: mccarthy in our various institutions, since there are no consequences. ,itting in an aircraft lou: it seems like there are no consequences. this guy has been credited withe so much. the guy that presided over the longest conflict in american ce history. how do i get to be a hero? >> to his credit, i believe that we have to give general petraeus credit. many of us would enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee and he was leading men into battle. he has paid a price. no person becomes a general i have officer without a steady andaryr hard slog to the top. folks. i have extraordinary respect for lou: yfolks.
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no oneait a minute, hold on a second -- you said these folks. let me be really do. >> allright. if youo one supports our military more than i do it. >> i understand. okay.ural. lou: forgive me for indulging the plural there. cia i'm talking about a man that just sent the cia down the gutter.y are we why in the world are we puttingi up with this kind of nonsense? why are we recognizing there's a that there is a culture in theia military and in washington that we need to get a hol hold of. >> there is virtually no part of our culture in which people f don't feel like they don't have to their spouses and families. to their jobs. ceo the ceo of lockheed martin just today, himself was forced out.
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it's a pattern. it permeates the entire american culture. h 's not limited to the muc military.we w we said that we can anpretty muh do what we wantt to.rality, it we have spent a generation thing there's no such thing as morality. it's old-fashioned. lou: that would be your generationno and mine? >> that's right. we grew up with live and letve,r live and what we expect. lou: i feel compelled to talkmpk i knowy granf these politics.
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>> honor, duty, respect nd responsibility. my grandkids will be in their 40s and 50s before they care. theyh will come across a timeoro when they will want to connect with people above them in order to connect with people that are coming after them. i think it's very important tha we help them to say we have made some real, it mate here are the things that work. a it matters that respect for your parents and it matters to understand the world in whicht a you live in.matt thi
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it matters to think abounkt the th purpose. have we have a responsibility. we need to understand we have a responsibility and we can't just have a good time today. lou: governor, thank you so much. mike huckabee. lou: get ready for armageddon. ss america on a handbasket headed to hell?ark stei headed to hell?ark stei author of "after america", mark stein, joins me next a. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away
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one or the other has to go.ill we will see. joining us now is mark stein,hot author of the sla are "after america", and a recordingn my artist. he has an album called makingi m spirits bright. t o available on amazon and itunesa. lou: i it is terrific. prve the book is wonderful. mark stein is here to prove the point.ots i wish you lots of luck.e by the way, mark coee >> that's right. actually spell it with a letter' y.tee lou: i don't see anything important about it. i see a lot of originality beinn brought to bear against min
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simplemindedded politicians. >> i think that was the real eln question. that will have catastrophic consequences for america.archr n lou: this broadcast has been organized to prove your there is john archer that joined the ways and means committee in 1996. he was president almost of destruction of the government under president clinton. an and speaker gingrich.. we had this experience andce asb experiences with a member of the bu budgetdg commission.
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it was under president clinton,h just as the simpson-bowles commission came to nothing. his and this fiscal cliff being managed by this president, it doesn't look promising >> that is really the point you brought up earlier. when you have european levels of spending which we now have come up you have traditional american tax rates, that cannot give. americans have a certain self-image. canada, americans think of canada as a semi french socialist market. total governmenent spending in canada is about 42% of gdp. is now 41% in the united states commits of t difference between the sturdy, manley republic of limited government and self-reliance citizens and the semi french monarchy is actually just down to 1%. we actually spend, government spends more per citizen on the average american than the french
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govement does in the average frenchman. lou: i think you're being unfair to americans. we think of quebec, but certainly not all of canada, and more of our refuge. reach extreme. >> they're building a maple curtain. you better get there soon. lou: as we ok at what is happening, bill archer is talking about $86 trillion in unfunded liabilities as we cannot manage even e 16 trillion in debt or consecutive years of italian dollar eficits, brought to us by george w. bush, and all fairness. >> well, i think the point here is that when people make coarisons, comparisons are relevant because you can run the numbers ansay in terms of gdp -- relation to gdp or never, we are not quite as bad as greece or portugal ornever, but they are just talking about a few ring keating billions. a trillion word is really unique to the united stat.
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and i think that is what is going to kill us, the absolute numbers. germany can affo to bailout greece. nobody can afford to bailout the united states, and i would agree actually th bill archer that i think he understated. if you take the total debt situation, you're talking about just shy of three-quarters of a million dollars for the -- per american faily. so you get a cup of coffee from a waitress in the diner, think of loading three-quarters of a million dollars of debt on to her shoulders for what? for what? does nothing to show for. lou: her children and their children that will be paying a large measure of that. great to have you with us. making spirits bright. and after america with one of the ugliest pictures of an american cadaver toe tag to. >> doom and the oven is the into
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debt. lou: at least some balance here. you know how much are presidenta taxes on our middle-class. >> the bill is passed. lou: the house passes the stem emigration bill. some democrats call it racist and pandering. how is that? and republicans also introduced the achieve act. other republicans taking the lead on emigration reforms?
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♪ lou: in "lou dobbs forum" we will talk about illegal immigration and efforts to change our immigration laws. the house today passed the
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so-called stem jobs act that would provide 55,000 permanent residency visas to foreign students with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. the republican measure drew fire from democrats, some democrats, some going so far as to level the measure racist. >> that is acist if not in its intent then certainly in its effect. republicans have received were just received historically low votes from minorities in the past election, yet they want to create an immigration system that gives vises with one hand while taking them away from minorities with the other. lou:joining as now, the co-author of numerous anti illegal immigration laws in a kansas secretary of state, also with us, the attorney, executive
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director of the national immigration forum. good to have you with t
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through no fault of their own, brought into the country by their parents. what are your reactions? >> let me react to both bills. i agree that the s.t.e.m. jobs act as an example of a perfectly good bill. what we were doing since 1965, as every year he we were giving away 50,000 green cards in a lottery all over the world. thi what it does is take thoseves t t5,000 visas and gives them awa in a way that serves oured d national interest to people who have advanced degrees that can help our country in science and technology. in contrast, i think that is a disaster. it is just a rehashed amnesty version of the dream act, that's what the achieve act is. i'm hopeful that republicans will chill the wine.amnesty there a lot of good things we could be doing. lou: the achieve act, to be.
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fair, it doesn't provide forway, citizenship. it provides a pathway, if you st will, forus legal statuses inra rather strict cosnditions. >> well, because amnesty iswhats anything that gives the illegalh alien what he had stolen from the united states, which is the edents in the united states. >> the achieve actgy gives you f green card so even though you don't give listenership, you get to stay here forever and there are other benefits to being here. the question of stealing is thaf you are giving some unlawful hve presence.eciate y lou: i appreciate your penchant for detail. but we have time constraints. what are your reaction to these legislative ideas? [talking over each other] [talking over each other] two the s.t.e.m. jobs act is a
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big step forward. we ae is potentially zero and employment. they actually made their own version of the s.t.e.m. jobs lou: what has been on the past seven years, which is quibblinge we will come back into the response to this question here in the dobbs forum in just a few moments. stay with us, we are comingpai right back nful for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®.
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- hi. - ♪ you've got what it takes - she actually said hi to me. - oh, yeah. - ♪ shine on me today lou: we are back with kris kobach. kobach. let's talk about the national immigration forum supporting the
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stimac to? >> yes, we are worried about the senateation and diversity. what is in store for 2013? wh well, a range of conservatives have beenr talking about this ad i think we have a lot of fun in in store for us next year's the one all four of us have what witnessed whatas been the painfully slow and frustrating footless path over the course of the past seven or eight years. in which democrats are insistin upon the whole rather than incrementalism and reform. when will we get to an enlightened position where we talk sta about whatr is in the national interest nterest and get rid of
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this work comprehension, which all too often is misused? to this point it has been futile? >> it can be done. you can do it, the president is of the same party and what the chairman has done, you see. >> i look at what the speaker says. that we actually need a national immigration strategy that servicer nations interest i believe the republicans are starting to put their vision for the reforms and his national immigration system on the table. come january, speaker boehner,
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senator mcconnell, will they be able to wrangle their caucuses. lou: i don't think they will have to wrangle them so much. i'm not sure that they are going to be pursuing what you are intimating. >> what are your thoughts? are you prepared to make compromise over this achieved asked? >> not if it retains the amnesty power, which means giving presents to those who are illegal in the ountry. it is a fiction to think that we suddenly embrace amnesty and abandon our principles. ronald reagan got 35% of the


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